PySpark Cheat Sheet
🐍 📄 PySpark Cheat Sheet
A quick reference guide to the most commonly used patterns and functions in PySpark SQL.
- Importing Functions & Types
Easily reference these as F.my_function() and T.my_type() below
from pyspark.sql import functions as F, types as T
- Filtering
Filter on equals condition
df = df.filter(df.is_adult == 'Y')
Filter on >, <, >=, <= condition
df = df.filter(df.age > 25)
Multiple conditions require parens around each
df = df.filter((df.age > 25) & (df.is_adult == 'Y'))
- Joins
Left join in another dataset
df = df.join(person_lookup_table, 'person_id', 'left')
Useful for one-liner lookup code joins if you have a bunch
def lookup_and_replace(df1, df2, df1_key, df2_key, df2_value): return ( df1 .join(df2[[df2_key, df2_value]], df1[df1_key] == df2[df2_key], 'left') .withColumn(df1_key, F.coalesce(F.col(df2_value), F.col(df1_key))) .drop(df2_key) .drop(df2_value) ) df = lookup_and_replace(people, pay_codes, id, pay_code_id, pay_code_desc)
- Creating New Columns
Add a new static column
df = df.withColumn('status', F.lit('PASS'))
Construct a new dynamic column
df = df.withColumn('full_name', F.when( (df.fname.isNotNull() & df.lname.isNotNull()), F.concat(df.fname, df.lname) ).otherwise(F.lit('N/A'))
- Coalescing Values
Take the first value that is not null
df = df.withColumn('last_name', F.coalesce(df.last_name, df.surname, F.lit('N/A')))
- Casting, Nulls & Duplicates
Cast a column to a different type
df = df.withColumn('price', df.price.cast(T.DoubleType()))
Replace all nulls with a specific value
df = df.fillna({ 'first_name': 'Tom', 'age': 0, })
Drop duplicate rows in a dataset (distinct)
df = df.dropDuplicates()
Drop duplicate rows, but consider only specific columns
df = df.dropDuplicates(['name', 'height'])
- Column Operations
Pick which columns to keep, optionally rename some
df = 'name', 'age', F.col('dob').alias('date_of_birth'), )
Remove columns
df = df.drop('mod_dt', 'mod_username')
Rename a column
df = df.withColumnRenamed('dob', 'date_of_birth')
Keep all the columns which also occur in another dataset
df =*(F.col(c) for c in df2.columns))
Batch Rename/Clean Columns
for col in df.columns: df = df.withColumnRenamed(col, col.lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_'))
- String Operations String Filters
Contains - col.contains(string)
df = df.filter('o'))
Starts With - col.startswith(string)
df = df.filter('Al'))
Ends With - col.endswith(string)
df = df.filter('ice'))
Is Null - col.isNull()
df = df.filter(df.is_adult.isNull())
Is Not Null - col.isNotNull()
df = df.filter(df.first_name.isNotNull())
Like -
df = df.filter('Al%'))
Regex Like - col.rlike(regex)
df = df.filter('[A-Z]*ice$'))
Is In List - col.isin(*cols)
df = df.filter('Bob', 'Mike'))
- String Functions
Substring - col.substr(startPos, length)
df = df.withColumn('short_id',, 10))
Trim - F.trim(col)
df = df.withColumn('name', F.trim( # Left Pad - F.lpad(col, len, pad) # Right Pad - F.rpad(col, len, pad) df = df.withColumn('id', F.lpad('id', 4, '0')) # Left Trim - F.ltrim(col) # Right Trim - F.rtrim(col) df = df.withColumn('id', F.ltrim('id'))
Concatenate - F.concat(*cols)
df = df.withColumn('full_name', F.concat('fname', F.lit(' '), 'lname'))
Concatenate with Separator/Delimiter - F.concat_ws(*cols)
df = df.withColumn('full_name', F.concat_ws('-', 'fname', 'lname'))
Regex Replace - F.regexp_replace(str, pattern, replacement)[source]
df = df.withColumn('id', F.regexp_replace(id, '0F1(.*)', '1F1-$1'))
Regex Extract - F.regexp_extract(str, pattern, idx)
df = df.withColumn('id', F.regexp_extract(id, '[0-9]*', 0))
- Number Operations
Round - F.round(col, scale=0)
df = df.withColumn('price', F.round('price', 0))
Floor - F.floor(col)
df = df.withColumn('price', F.floor('price'))
Ceiling - F.ceil(col)
df = df.withColumn('price', F.ceil('price'))
- Array Operations
Column Array - F.array(*cols)
df = df.withColumn('full_name', F.array('fname', 'lname'))
Empty Array - F.array(*cols)
df = df.withColumn('empty_array_column', F.array([]))
Aggregation Operations
# Count - F.count() # Sum - F.sum(*cols) # Mean - F.mean(*cols) # Max - F.max(*cols) # Min - F.min(*cols) df = df.groupBy('gender').agg(F.max('age').alias('max_age_by_gender')) # Collect Set - F.collect_set(col) # Collect List - F.collect_list(col) df = df.groupBy('age').agg(F.collect_set('name').alias('person_names'))
- Advanced Operations Repartitioning
Repartition – df.repartition(num_output_partitions)
df = df.repartition(1)
UDFs (User Defined Functions)
Multiply each row’s age column by two
times_two_udf = F.udf(lambda x: x * 2) df = df.withColumn('age', times_two_udf(df.age))
Randomly choose a value to use as a row’s name
import random random_name_udf = F.udf(lambda: random.choice(['Bob', 'Tom', 'Amy', 'Jenna'])) df = df.withColumn('name', random_name_udf())